
The external therapy (acupuncture & moxibustion)

The acupuncture spots situated on the meridians are areas of the skin noticeable by particular perceptions like pain and in this way they set themselves apart from the surrounding area. Those areas are to some extent exactly localized and to some extent dependent on certain disorders. For this reason, they become diagnostically and therapeutically significant for the physician. With the relevant findings to be assured by the whole diagnosis he can insert needles with a therapeutical intent into these points (= to acupuncture). The acupuncture spots are passageways for the energy circulating within the body. Therefore, it is possible to influence the energy flow if needles are inserted into these points.

There are only certain disease patterns that can be influenced by acupuncture (in particular pathway blockades).

Acupuncture is not always reasonable or necessary.
With regard to so-called chilliness blockades it may be helpful to stimulate the acupuncture with heat or to revive the flow of the blocked energy at the respective points by a heat impulse.
This form of heat application and therapy is called “moxibustion”.

Dr. med. Wolfgang J. Margraf  –  Practice for Contemporary Chinese Medicine  –  Weidenloh 3  –  91278 Pottenstein  –  Phone +49 9243 - 7 000 525  –