

In my lectures I want to communicate perceptions and knowledge beyond the „normal“, established conventional approach and demonstrate that there are not only very precise diagnostic possibilities but also effective and sustainable treatment strategies with the help of Chinese Medicine.

Lecture index:

- Treatment of polyneuropathy (PNP)
- Shingles and postzoster neuralgia
- Back pain: origin and treatment
- Sleep disorders
- Treating menopausal complaints effectively without hormones
- Chronic fatigue: origins and treatment strategies
- Anxiety and panic attacks
- Prevention of heart attacks and strokes
- Treating disturbance of perfusion effectively
- Treating prostatism without surgery
- Treating headaches (including long-persisting migraine)
- Joint pain (arthritis and rheumatic diseases)
- Shoulder pain

- Treatment of children:
“Dig your well before you're thirsty”

An early and timely treatment of diseases during infancy prevents later complications and facilitates a harmonic development.

     Current Lectures

Introduction to Chinese Medicine
Dealing with health and sickness

In Chinese Medicine we make no distinction between body and soul. Instead, we view and treat these complementary aspects as a whole. The instructor will give participants an impression of what happens when we lose our “centre”, our “balance” and develop “disharmonies”, i.e. illnesses. To find the “centre” again and regain “balance”, prescribing medicine/drugs is not enough; patients must (also) do their part to become well again. It is even better to be proactive by taking measures that are beneficial to your health now, and not let a major disharmony develop in the first place, like the saying: “Dig your well before you're thirsty”.


Riding the dragon
An introduction to the nature and concepts of Chinese Medicine and how it deals with health and sickness.

I would like to give you an impression of what happens when we lose our “centre”, our “balance” and develop “disharmonies”, i.e. illnesses – beginning with minor, “psychosomatic” problems all the way to major disharmonies / illnesses that compromise our lives.
In Chinese Medicine we make no distinction between body and soul. Instead, we view and treat these complementary aspects as a whole. To find the “centre” again and regain “balance”, prescribing medicine/drugs is not enough; patients must (also) do their part to become well again. There must be a willingness to engage in “life-strengthening” exercises / lifestyles with discipline. It is even better to be proactive by taking measures that are beneficial to your health now, and not let a major disharmony develop in the first place, like the saying: “Dig your well before you're thirsty”.
What is it exactly that causes us to lose our “centre”? How does illness develop in the first place? What is the root of it all and how do we deal with this root? What role does the mind / soul play? I would like to share my knowledge with you in this 90-minute presentation in a way that is understandable, practically-oriented and proven.


Burnout syndrome
or looking at “psychosomatics” from a different point of view
“Slowing” the organism from the perspective of Chinese medicine

What causes burnout and what can be done to prevent it?
There are many different theories today in the field of medicine / psychotherapy to understand this lamentable state of health and offer approaches for therapeutic treatment.
From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, the causes and the current living and working conditions are not the most important and immediate problem to solve. Although, it is always wise to make your life less complicated, reduce stimuli and give yourself more time. In other words, “slowing down” and “less is more” instead of faster, higher and further.
In my opinion, the acute and very compromising energy loss is the first thing that should be treated, and it is first and foremost an energetic and metabolic problem that needs to be fixed. If not, the patient will lack the motivation and energy needed to make the constructive changes in his or her life and will remain incapable of living a normal, everyday life.
At this evening event I would like to explain how energetic blockages such as heat, dryness and cooling processes form in the body and what paralysing effects these blood and chi blockages have on the entire organism (unity of body and soul).


Death begins in the colon?
Slag and hyperacidity in the bodys

When the intestine fails to properly assist in metabolism then other excretory organs need to compensate for it; the kidneys have to work harder; the skin needs to excrete more “waste” (odorous sweat, eczema, blemishes) and the lungs must eliminate more toxins with the air that is exhaled (bad breath, fatigue, restlessness). Harmful substance can also be excreted via the mucous membranes, such as the nasal passages (mucus), genitals (discharge), or eyes (inflamed, crusty eyes). And if this still isn't enough, the blocked acids and other waste substances are “deposited”. The accumulation as “body waste” in different tissues (fat tissue, connective tissue, tendons, capsules and muscles) inevitably leads to the development of all kinds of chronic illnesses (pain, numbness, sleeping disorders ...).


The immune system – helper or terrorist?
A look at the concepts, treatments and actions in Chinese Medicine/TCM

The immune system takes on a key role in our organism. Many symptoms that we normally would not associate with the immune system play an important role in the emergence of chronic illnesses and represent barriers that interfere with healing during treatment. Like underground terrorists these chronic symptoms remain hidden, always flaming up again at certain times of the year, while constantly and secretly irritating and manipulating the entire organism with no explanation for this to be found using conventional methods. What causes infections, what's “normal flu”, are flu vaccinations advisable or practical? A main focus in treatment is on getting the organism back into gear so that it can help itself get well. “Anti” strategies and altering the “instrument panel” (=symptoms) through symptom manipulation or suppression is essentially the same as “silencing” the helpful language of the symptoms. In many cases this causes the symptoms and the “crime scene” to change, often with serious negative effects that result in the conversion of what were originally insignificant illnesses into “aggressive” symptoms with autoimmune distortions (turning into autoimmune diseases), or which carry out hidden “terrorist” activities.


The trouble with back trouble
– or what does the stomach have to do with the back?

Most “back pain”, particularly lower back pain or complaints of a “slipped disc” can be treated without surgery. If you want to effectively treat back pain it doesn't make sense to focus on the spine because this bony structure merely assumes the role of a scapegoat or the “crime scene” where the pain is coming from. It is much more important to look for the “culprit”. Where do “back problems”, acute or chronic pain, or sciatica-like symptoms come from and why? Which treatment strategies make sense? From the perspective of Chinese Medicine, I will not tell you about the manipulation of the “leaves” (symptoms or “crime scenes”), but instead focus on the meaningful treatment of the “roots” (“culprits”).


Sister moon
– discussion about gynaecological disorders, menopausal complaints and hormone fairy tales

The proper functioning of the female metabolism is influenced by rhythmic events and is dependent on blood quality and proper functioning of the discharge function. Here, both the cleaning and cooling of the blood and the provisioning of heat take on a central role. In my presentation I will explain from the perspective of Chinese Medicine what causes specific symptoms, how to bring the body into balance by improving blood quality (cleaning the blood, improving blood movement, cooling the blood, and how to make heat “available again”), and how to treat hot flashes and all kinds of menstrual pain without hormones.

Dr. med. Wolfgang J. Margraf  –  Practice for Contemporary Chinese Medicine  –  Weidenloh 3  –  91278 Pottenstein  –  Phone +49 9243 - 7 000 525  –